I added some notes on this subject, see page linked below. I keep seeing truly horrific advice being dispensed online by luthiées, when the correct solution is easy and free.

Hosting and domain names aren't getting cheaper. If you think there is something worthwhile here, you can make a small donation towards these costs. Just click the PayPal button here:
( PayPal takes 3.49% + 49¢ per transaction )
More: Support Luthiery Labs ...
Since I started on a Prog bender, I think I would be remiss if I left out Australian Progsters Angus and Malcom Young. True Monsters of Prog. Enjoy.
More: Greatest Prog Band of ALL TIME ...

For a while now I've been working on the WordPress plugin that does the slideshows. I had re-written the php back-end from NivoSlider, and then I decided to rewrite the front-end. The front-end is driven by jquery, so it was a good opportunity to get familiar with that. It's actually pretty simple.
Over a few months of tinkering, I added several hundred slide transitions, grouped in families to make things manageable. Eventually, I pretty much exhausted all the things you can do by animating css with jquery. So I turned to inline svg image masks. You can do much more with real graphics than just css, but there is one hitch - svg is poorly supported in Chrome and all its derivatives, including Opera, Edge, and Brave. But if you load this page in Firefox or Safari, it will demonstrate what you can do with svg.
More: Slideshows ...

This wound up on the back burner for a while, but I finally got back around to it. The black stripe is 1/16" tape from the roll there, applied to the shiny under-layer. It wasn't that hard to apply, using the screw holes as guides. It's not awfully sticky, but should hold up well sandwiched between the clear pickguard and the body. You can get that tape at Hobby Lobby. I finished the pickup 'routs' with hand files.
More: At Least I Learned Something ...

I've been experimenting with some Gargle stuff lately, and the experience is not good.
More: Fun With Gargle ...

Danelectro Catalog 1963
Here are some catalogs from the two golden eras of Danelectro - the sixties and the nineties. Use the arrows to flip through the pages.
More: Danelectro Catalogs ...