Doing Things Wrong


No, not my music. I don't play much any more. I spend more time with the band saw than the band.

Music Archive

Years ago I wandered into the local Border's bookstore, and this CD was playing - Michael Hill's Blues Mob. I asked the kid what it was, and bought a copy right there. I'll bet you've never heard of this band.

I've liked this band ( duo actually ) since the first time I saw this video on the UHF video channel because we didn't have cable. Corinne Drewery is not like today's squeaky singers, she can hit the high notes, and the low ones too - listen. This was their first and biggest hit.

This is the Kubicki bass body from last year (?) It is now wearing a nice chocolate burst and a thick coat of OIL-BASED polyurethane. It has been hanging up for over two months, and I figure the poly is 99% as hard as it will ever get.

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