Doing Things Wrong

Compare & Contrast

What is that skinny white guy doing in Bruno Mars' video?

He's not doing it here, but Bruno Mars can play pretty much any instrument you throw at him. He's like an even-smaller version of Prince.

( turn on the subtitles )

How come people don't spontaneously tap dance any more? There was a time when the big stars in Hollywood were triple-threats - sing, dance, and act. How many Hollywood stars can do even one of those things nowadays?

The willowy brunette that is in every other scene is Eleanor Powell. And a sharp eye will spot James Cagney several times - Hollywood's go-to villain was a song-and-dance guy at heart.

Tim Akers & The Smoking Section
This is what Nashville session musicians get up to in their spare time.

There is a lot of nonsense that gets floated through the guitar industry about neck mountings, mostly invented by marketing departments to justify outlandish prices. 'Set' and 'through' necks are simply luthiery baggage from the middle ages, literally, as in 500 years ago before screws had been invented, or at least were in common use. Any difference in tone or sustain is purely imaginary on the part of the sucker who paid an extra thousand dollars for it, and has no choice but to believe the BS or admit he was had.

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