Doing Things Wrong

One More Charlie Murphy Video

... and it damn sure wasn't the men's department.

Oh what the heck, I put his other videos on the Superfreak page, this one is even better.

The blonde in the 1999 video is Jill Jones. Prince had a habit of producing records for his proteges and giving away songs, he was actually very generous that way. Among other things, he wrote the Bangles' Manic Monday. This video has a very 1950s Italian feel.


This is my favorite truss rod design. It is not my most advanced, but it is the simplest to build. Although it is a single-acting rod, a little forethought in routing the channel makes it reversible, effectively double-acting. That requires some disassembly of the guitar, but you only need to change the direction of the rod once or twice in the life of an instrument, until it settles in to a mature shape.

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