Doing Things Wrong

Still Great - Mark Knopfler

but where is Emmylou Harris?

Many years ago I saw Eric Clapton at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan. All through the show, I kept hearing Dire Straits. Finally, I grabbed someone's binoculars, and sure enough, there was Mark Knopfler! Since then I found out they are great buddies, and tour together a lot. Clapton was so cool, he let his tour guitarist have the final encore, this:

It was one of the best shows I've ever been to
Clapton backing Knopfler this time
with Chet Atkins


I stumbled across this stuff online, and it looked so incredible that I impulse-bought a quart. A finish that you can smear on with a sponge and cure in 3 minutes with sunshine? That cuts finishing time from months to weeks to one day !!!

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