Doing Things Wrong

Dr Pinch und ze Pinchtones

Did I just ruin ze mood again?

Another weird music video for you. They had a cool website with lots of great stuff, but alas it's gone now, replaced by stupid Facebook. I despise Facebook, I can't wait for the day when they go the way of MySpace.

I finally found a new video, and it's awesome !!!

Yesterday I hunted around for stuff. The trusty local hobby shop is all out of everything but balsa, and it didn't sound like they were getting anything else in, ever ! So I went down the road a piece to the high-end builder's supply / lumberyard (Dykes) to see what they had. And I turned up this nice piece of 5/4" x 6" maple. 5/4" is actually 1", the same way 1" is actually 3/4", and 6" is actually 5-1/2". I looked at a couple of pieces, and took three feet off the nicest one for about $18.

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