Doing Things Wrong


Can someone please explain this to me?
It's like a travel ad gone terribly wrong

FYI: The traditional German dress is called a Dirndl.

They apparently make a habit of this
whatever it is
I wonder where my Lederhosen went?
From when I was six.
Not really my kind of music, but their videos are so wonderfully weird!
Sock puppets in Lederhosen ( and Dirndl. )


This is my favorite truss rod design. It is not my most advanced, but it is the simplest to build. Although it is a single-acting rod, a little forethought in routing the channel makes it reversible, effectively double-acting. That requires some disassembly of the guitar, but you only need to change the direction of the rod once or twice in the life of an instrument, until it settles in to a mature shape.

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