Doing Things Wrong

Miscellaneous Projects

BC Rich "Osprey" Bass
Cowbell Bass
Kubicki Bass
Mosrite Bass
Harmony H617 Bobkat
Kubicki Factor Guitar
Brownsville Violin Bass

These are the rest of my experiments and a few modified factory pieces.

All Other Projects

Such a simple idea, yet it makes a world of difference in finishing. StewMac - feel free to copy this design, I've copied enough of yours!​

Sanding blocks are 1/8" neoprene foam (mousepad) glued over 1x2 & 1x3 scrap pine, with 1/4" roundovers ( makes 3/8" roundover with padding. ) Use waterproof contact cement. The large block is sized for 1/4 of a standard sheet of sandpaper, and will also take half of a 1/3 sheet piece. Small block works well for details, inside horns, etc. The neoprene grips the sandpaper exceedingly well, wet or dry, and has just the right amount of 'give' for very fine sanding.

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