Doing Things Wrong

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(of items or people gathered or considered together) of various types or from different sources. "he picked up the miscellaneous papers"

synonyms: various, varied, different, assorted, mixed, diverse, disparate, sundry, many and different, variegated, diversified, motley, multifarious, jumbled, confused, indiscriminate, heterogeneous; More

(of a collection or group) composed of members or elements of different kinds. "a miscellaneous collection of well-known ne'er-do-wells"

Fretboard Radius Blocks

I make all my fretboards 12 inches, guitar or bass, fretted or fretless. I just like that, and also, it doesn't matter that much as long as you stay away from the extremes. 12-inches is a nice comfortable curve for chording on, and also doesn't require as much work and mess to carve as a smaller radius. I find it is a good compromise overall. I can make a 12-inch radius from flat pretty successfully with just a sanding block. StewMac's pre-radiused boards are 16-inches and are quick and easy to re-radius to 12. Although I made tooling for everything from 7 to 16, I don't use any of it. Luckily, I made extra tooling for 12 inches before I broke down the manufacturing plant.

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