I'd like to thank everyone who donated for the maintenance of the site. If you'd still like to contribute, the link remains in the sidebar.
I laughed anyway ...
More: Aren't You the Bass Player ? ...
More: Just Give Me a God-Damn Bass Line !!! ...
It's like a travel ad gone terribly wrong
More: Lederhosen ...

I found this old cartoon in a box in the attic and decided to preserve it here. I actually went to rocket science school, for what it is worth.
More: My Woodworking Skills ...
While surfing the internets, I found this list of drummer jokes that someone has maliciously edited into bass player jokes. These are the worst ones. This is not funny at all. This is the sort of thing that gives guitarists a bad name.
Q: How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one - but the guitarist has to show him first.
More: Not Funny ...
Oh what the heck, I put his other videos on the Superfreak page, this one is even better.
More: One More Charlie Murphy Video ...
More: Talk Bass Surprise ...

My grandmother told me: "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all."
More: ...
This is one of the funniest things on the whole internets. Mark Twain, a mad scientist, and it ends with a great Steely Dan tune. What else could you want? How about the rest of that song:
More: Tesla & Twain ...
More: The Muscular Stumps of a Bass-Man ...