Doing Things Wrong


Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, there are people out there who actually think my opinion is worth something. In fact, Home Depot has given me tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise to review. ( Thanks, Home Depot. Really love the kayak !!! And of course, the cutting board. ) Lately, I've started receiving items from Amazon sellers as well.

Review Archive


Doing decals on a couple of headstocks. The process I worked out on the Mac worked pretty much the same on the PC. A great deal of trial and error went into this. For myself, I am documenting it:

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