Doing Things Wrong

Headless Brainstorm

This is the headless bridge I got a while ago that proved to be cosmetically damaged. You can even see the damage in this picture. I filled in the dings with black CA, but I had no expectation of ever hiding it, so this bridge got thrown in the junk box after I got a refund, they didn't want it back.

I just got a great idea to salvage this part: Hammered Paint. I already have a can of black. I can disassemble the bridge again, mask off the saddle area, and sand and shoot the damaged exterior. The texture of the hammered paint should hide the dings perfectly, and the paint itself dries hard and tough, as good as the original finish.

So I'll be able to use this part after all. I still feel I was justified in getting a refund, as I was not about to build a project around a damaged part. It's lucky I didn't throw it away. Now what sort of demented thing should I do ... ? Instead of a Steinberger, I could build a ... cheeseburger ! No, that would be silly.

I haven't used this in a while, but I think it is called-for here
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In fact, I think I deserve two !!!

I set the site up earlier this year, using one of the default WordPress themes - TwentySixteen - and some code I wrote myself. The big push then was to get all the old content into the new system and somewhat organized. It was a huge amount of work just to get everything 'good enough', and then I let it lie.

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