Doing Things Wrong

Danelectro Catalogs

Danelectro Catalog 1963

Here are some catalogs from the two golden eras of Danelectro - the sixties and the nineties. Use the arrows to flip through the pages.

Danelectro Catalog 1967

Danelectro Catalog 1968

Danelectro Catalog 1998

Danelectro Catalog 1999

Danelectro Catalog 2000

Years ago you could get this stuff cheaply on eBay, but nowadays it is rare and expensive.

This book has a lot more.
Still available on Kindle.

Just when I finished all the work on the slideshows, I found a serious flaw in the Nivo Slider plugin. If you put multiple slideshows on a page, each one clobbers the one before, and you only get the last one. I guess they never tested that.

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