Doing Things Wrong

Greatest Prog Band of ALL TIME

I'd like to thank everyone who donated for the maintenance of the site. If you'd still like to contribute, the link remains in the sidebar.

Twisted Sister took Prog to a whole new level
Eat yer heart out, Peter Gabriel

In case you're having trouble falling asleep:

I know there are some people who would say Twisted Sister is not the greatest Prog band of all time, even that they are not Prog at all. To that, all I have to say is:

You're all worthless and weak !

Oops, bridge assembled upside down

Some small parts for the new Ric. The logo is laser-printed on an adhesive packing label. A coat of poly locks-in the toner. The font is a free one called Dymaxion. It is a pretty good match for the Ric logo, which was actually hand-drawn.

Printed from