Doing Things Wrong

Greatest Prog Band of ALL TIME

Twisted Sister took Prog to a whole new level
Eat yer heart out, Peter Gabriel

In case you're having trouble falling asleep:

I know there are some people who would say Twisted Sister is not the greatest Prog band of all time, even that they are not Prog at all. To that, all I have to say is:

You're all worthless and weak !


These are some veneers I ordered. The first is red gum, the second is beeswings eucalyptus. Both of these are mighty tonewoods and were very inexpensive. I'm going to see how they laminate over masonite. That could give a woody surface with a neat masonite edge, much like the old Danelectros, without the need to cover up a rough plywood edge with plastic binding. Masonite actually looks pretty cool under a clear coat as well, and it is stainable.

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