Doing Things Wrong



This is what a pound and a half of sawdust looks like. You'd be surprised how fast you can make it. This little vacuum, set up to be ultra-convenient, is worth its weight in gold. The vacuum is basically integrated into the workbench, so it is always handy. Both belt sanders have quick hookups.

This baby ShopVac was another freebie for review from Home Depot. It works just fine and fits right under the workbench on a shelf I built for it. I extended the hose with another that fits from a vacuum I scavenged from the roadside.

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After doing the binding, I found a bulge in the middle of the fretboard. So I sanded it down with a radius block until everything is perfectly flat. I touched-up the inlays with black CA, and re-stained it to be bubing-ish again ( actually an old can of "Colonial Maple". ) Finally, I drilled out tuner holes 13/16" in the locations I determined previously, and everything fits.

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