More: Greatest Prog Band of ALL TIME ...
Music (2/4)
WordPress makes it so damned easy to embed YouTube videos.
I always thought of Sade as a very stylish singer, but not necessarily a great one; kind of weak, actually. A model who could sing a bit. I was wrong. Watch these concert videos.
More: I Was Wrong About Sade ...
More: Just Give Me a God-Damn Bass Line !!! ...
Here's a band that deserves a lot more attention:
He's usually pretty snarky with the musical guest.
Too bad that video was taken down.
More: Lake Street Dive ...
It's like a travel ad gone terribly wrong
More: Lederhosen ...
More: More '80s, Alphabetically ...
Since I started on a Prog bender, I think I would be remiss if I left out Australian Progsters Angus and Malcom Young. True Monsters of Prog. Enjoy.