Doing Things Wrong

Music (2/4)

WordPress makes it so damned easy to embed YouTube videos.

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I always thought of Sade as a very stylish singer, but not necessarily a great one; kind of weak, actually. A model who could sing a bit. I was wrong. Watch these concert videos.

Here's a band that deserves a lot more attention:

David Letterman positively gushed over this band.
He's usually pretty snarky with the musical guest.
Too bad that video was taken down.

Can someone please explain this to me?
It's like a travel ad gone terribly wrong

Since I started on a Prog bender, I think I would be remiss if I left out Australian Progsters Angus and Malcom Young. True Monsters of Prog. Enjoy.


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The 1/2" flush-cut router bit came today. I mic'ed it, and it is just a few thousandths shy of 12.7mm. I put my old 3/8" / 9.5mm bearing on it, with a spacer I made from a tiny washer, and did a test cut. Then I swapped the bearing for 10mm and did another. These Yonico bits are nice because they color-coordinate with DeWalt tools !

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