This thing is finally all together. The watermarks in the fretboard are all polished-out and it is shiny again. The only thing missing is strings and a name on the headstock.
This one is kind of a joke and an experiment in just how cheap you can build a guitar. The body is dry-erase board over plywood - no finish - with Tolex side binding. Dry-erase board is Masonite covered with Melamine. The neck is 100% Radiata pine, even the fretboard. The "inlays" are glitter and CA glue. The pickguard is the other side of the dry-erase board - 'chalkboard'. The pickup mount is a 57 cent switch plate.
StewMac sells a knob & bushing puller for the breathtaking price of $53.31, plus shipping, of course. Here is one I made in 5 minutes for about $2 in Home Depot parts. It consists of:
3/4" pipe plug
40mm long M8-1.25 ( coarse thread metric ) hex bolt