Doing Things Wrong

Snark Tuner

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You can't beat the convenience of a clip-on tuner. This is a very good one, sensitive, with a very fine readout, good enough even to set intonation. However, it has one very bad feature. It devours batteries. A device like this with no mechanical on/off switch is always on, waiting to sense you press the button. It seems like every few weeks this thing wants another 2032, regardless of whether it was even used. The solution to that is to pull the battery whenever you are not using it, but I forget, and the next time I pick it up, it wants a new one.

I think my old Korg tuner is still running on the AAA batteries it came with.

It took me about half an hour * to reverse-engineer the functionality of thousands of lines of plugin code to make the little up-arrow bug you see at the bottom-right of every page. That bug is very useful because it shoots you straight back up to the navigation menu, no matter how far down a page you might be. Here is the entire code for it:

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