Doing Things Wrong

New Photos and Slideshows

After going through a bunch of WordPress slideshow plugins before I finally found a good one, I have started adding new photos of my projects. Eventually, each one will start out with a slideshow of the finished product, followed by whatever build details I have for it. Some of them are quite lengthy.

For this, I built a photo stand that holds each piece at a good angle under the workshop lights. This will make the job of re-photographing everything much faster and easier.

July 27, 2020

Been doing some quick experiments with CA and glitter for the last few days. At left is gold crushed glass. Center-top is very fine gunmetal plastic glitter. Center-bottom is silver crushed glass glitter. At right is standard plastic glitter. The green tube is medium CA, the pink one is thin, the standard formulation. Thick CA is quite rubbery when it dries, I would not use it for this.

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