Doing Things Wrong

Passive Electronics

Passive electronics are un-powered - no battery. They modify the output from the pickups only by taking away - they can remove frequencies and reduce volume, even induce distortion, but they cannot add anything. The only power they have to work with is what is generated by the pickups.

Passive electronics are the most common by far on guitars and basses. There are three main classes of passive electronics:

Volume controls, which use a variable short to ground to reduce output volume. A balance control is two volumes centered on one shaft that can be used to reduce either side.

Tone controls, which are two types: A treble control uses a variable short to ground through a capacitor, forming a low-pass filter. A bass control uses a variable bypass to output around a capacitor, forming a high-pass filter.

Switches, which control the wiring of the pickups. Switches can control the wiring inside the pickup, and also the wiring between multiple pickups. Switches can also be used to select from multiple tone capacitors and many other things.

Factory guitar wiring tends to be very simple, usually just volume-tone-switch. This keeps manufacturing costs down. You can find diagrams here for all kinds of passive circuits you'll never find on a factory guitar.

Learn how to solder !!!

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For a while now I've been working on the WordPress plugin that does the slideshows. I had re-written the php back-end from NivoSlider, and then I decided to rewrite the front-end. The front-end is driven by jquery, so it was a good opportunity to get familiar with that. It's actually pretty simple.

Over a few months of tinkering, I added several hundred slide transitions, grouped in families to make things manageable. Eventually, I pretty much exhausted all the things you can do by animating css with jquery. So I turned to inline svg image masks. You can do much more with real graphics than just css, but there is one hitch - svg is poorly supported in Chrome and all its derivatives, including Opera, Edge, and Brave. But if you load this page in Firefox or Safari, it will demonstrate what you can do with svg.

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