Doing Things Wrong

RIP Neil Peart

I'd like to thank everyone who donated for the maintenance of the site. If you'd still like to contribute, the link remains in the sidebar.

I was so into Rush when I was a teenager. Not one of those people who followed them around, but I saw them several times in the eighties. That's why I have this thing:

1978 Rickenbacker 4001 'BurgundyGlo'

It's still in very good shape, especially for its age - neck straight, double truss rods fine, front unblemished. The zinc bridge blistered-up and the nickel tuners turned black, so I replaced them all with real Ric parts. I also added a Ric 330k switching pot to give it the 4003 sound, wired upside-down from the usual way on a 4003, and full electronics shielding. The all-red 'BurgundyGlo' finish is rather rare, most red ones are bursts.

Here's Rush at the top of their game
Widely regarded as the greatest pizza deliveryman of all time

Just when I finished all the work on the slideshows, I found a serious flaw in the Nivo Slider plugin. If you put multiple slideshows on a page, each one clobbers the one before, and you only get the last one. I guess they never tested that.

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