Doing Things Wrong

Back to the '80s Again

Who didn't have this CD back in the day?
Mothers Talk
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Head Over Heels

More than once I would get back from class to find my metalhead roommates had taken their Iron Maiden out of the CD player and left this disc in. Tears for Fears - Songs From the Big Chair.

rat's nest

One of the fun things about building electric guitars is wiring them up. Factory wiring tends to be simple, minimizing the amount of fussy handwork required. Many manufacturers keep strictly to 'classic' designs, seldom if ever changing anything. These designs are generally simplistic, often crude or even stupid, and sometimes outright flawed. There is no need for you to do this. I don't. Here are some of the things I have done over the years. I don't claim to have invented any of this, although some of these schematics I have never seen anywhere else, and had to derive them myself.

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