Doing Things Wrong

All Together Now

All assembled and strung up with D'Addario round-wounds. The action fell into place with just a little adjusting. I set the intonation with a yardstick, which works better than you'd think. Add 3/16" for the E string, 0 for the G, and split the difference in between.

Apart from testing the wiring, I have not yet plugged it in. I'm going to let it settle under tension for a week or two.

I cut these five blanks on my fretboard jig a long time ago. Now I finally want one, so I pulled one out at random, and it turned out to be the worst of the batch. By worst, I mean it was thin in the middle and thick at the ends, probably because it is not perfectly flat and and sat on the jig with a slight bow that I didn't notice.

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