Doing Things Wrong

Back to the '80s Again

Who didn't have this CD back in the day?
Mothers Talk
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Head Over Heels

More than once I would get back from class to find my metalhead roommates had taken their Iron Maiden out of the CD player and left this disc in. Tears for Fears - Songs From the Big Chair.


The new A500 pots came today USPS a day early - so never say bad things about them. I pulled up the diagram above, heated up the soldering iron, and Presto-Change-o !!! Then I tried to put the pickguard back, and it didn't fit, because, of course. The old mini pots barely cleared the body wall, and the new full-sized ones didn't. So I had to delve back into woodwork and make clearance for them. I had to razor and dremel away about a quarter of an inch, without messing up the 'finish'.

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