Doing Things Wrong

It's All Bullshit

Here is a series of videos from a guy who has done the most scientific testing of electric guitars and amplifiers that I have yet to find. His results surprise even me. I have always felt that "tone" is mostly imagination, but these carefully constructed tests show that it is entirely imagination.
Sustain comes from feedback. It's that simple. No, it's not your $10,000 Les Paul.
Notice how he is using recordings to test the amps. This is the first time I have seen this done. Most 'tone' experts do this by playing the same lick differently with each amp, and then claiming the difference is the amp.

This guy is too smart to be a musician, he should go to MIT.

Hammered Black

Hammered spray paint is formulated to produce a mottled two-tone finish. The surface is smooth but not perfectly even and can be anything from matte to high gloss metallic. Hammered paints are available in a range of colors at any hardware or hobby store.

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