November 1, 2020
WordPress is a PIG
November 1, 2020

WordPress image handling is completely insane, and they don't ask and they don't give you a choice. Not only does it idiotically generate image titles from EXIF data ( usually the camera name! ) but it generates masses of extra files, wasting disk space, clogging up the server, and making any sort of manual image management near-impossible. What a behind-the-scenes disaster.
I had written some code into my theme to stop at least some of this madness, but the new version of WordPress apparently found a way around it. So I re-wrote it, and attached it to the back-end on every admin page load. Fight that, you PIG !!!
All I want is the original image file at whatever size I see fit to upload it, and an uncropped thumbnail that fits in 200x200 box for the media library. This makes the media library nice and snappy, but still gives a useful display of each image. Anything else WordPress wants to do is GARBAGE.