Doing Things Wrong

All Apart Now

After settling for two weeks, it is time to set up this baby. This bass is new territory for me in a lot of ways. One of those is the individual bridge-lets. I used up pretty much all the height adjustment. That shouldn't happen, so I took everything apart to look for the reason, and I found it, I think.

There was a build-up of finish inside the neck pocket that was acting as a back-shim. ( No doubt left over from the water-based misadventure. ) I scraped it all out with the piece of steel in the picture, which was perfect for the job. Then I smoothed and leveled the pocket with a file. I probably took out about half a millimeter of gunk, which would be a decent-sized shim. Before I put it back together, I'll add a few layers of masking tape to the other end, just to be sure the neck angle comes out right.

I also re-leveled the frets and polished them, although the rocker said they didn't need it. I simply rubbed a nine-inch file over the whole fretboard, gently. This will take any high spots off. A final check with the fret rocker and it is all good, so I cleaned the fretboard with lemon oil. The fretboard is permanently oiled with linseed oil, I just used lemon oil as a cleaning agent.

I also did some work on the nut and headstock. I'll detail that when I get it all back together. Before that, I can see a few spots on the body that could use some hand-polishing.

The aforementioned piece of steel is a section of 1/2" strapping, the kind that is used on very large packages. It is actually perfect for making small scrapers and other tools. Scrapers don't need to be very hard steel, in fact, they shouldn't be - it would be hard to get that tiny scraper lip. This piece had the lip ready-made from the cut end.

Audiovox Gibson-style Bass
Audiovox 736 Replica Bass
Audiovox Gibson-style Guitar
Audiovox Danelectro-style Bass
Audiovox Fretless Bass
Audiovox Electric Upright Bass
Audiovox Strat-style Guitar
Audiovox 12-string Guitar
Audiovox Ukulele Bass
Audiovox Mandolin
BC Rich "Osprey" Bass
Brownsville Violin Bass
Cowbell Bass
Danelectro Pro-1 Bass
Danelectro "Super-63" Guitar
Danelectro Silvertone 1457 Rescue Guitar
Danelectro Longhorn Guitar
Danelectro Silvertone U-1 Guitar
Danelectro Companion Guitar
Danelectro Silvertone 1443 Bass
Danelectro '67 Hornet Guitar
Fender Jazzmaster Bass 1
Fender Jazzmaster Bass 2
Fender Jazzmaster Bass 3
Fender Stratocaster Bass 1
Fender Stratocaster Bass 2
Fender Stratocaster Micro Bass 1
Fender Stratocaster Micro Bass 2
Fender Stratocaster Fretless Bass
Fender Stratocaster Bass VI
Fender Stratocaster Bass IV
Fender Stratocaster 12-string Guitar
Fender Stratocaster Uke Bass
Fender Squier Stratocaster Guitar
Fender Telecaster Bass
SX Precision Bass
Gibson Fenderbird Bass 1
Gibson Fenderbird Bass 2
Gibson Reverse Fenderbird Bass
Kubicki Bass
Schwinn Stingray Bass
Mosrite Bass
Rickenbacker 325 Guitar
Rickenbacker 325 Bass 1
Rickenbacker 325 Bass 2
Rickenbacker 325 Bass 3
Rickenbacker 4001 Bass 1
Samick SG450 Guitar
Danelectro Pro-1 Guitar
Danelectro Silvertone 1448 Guitar
Danelectro '63 Guitar
Danelectro Silvertone 1457 Guitar
Harmony H617 Bobkat
Danelectro Silvertone 1450 Guitar
Harmony Silvertone 1478
Danelectro Silvertone 1472 Amplifier
Danelectro Longhorn Bass

A while ago I said I couldn't find where the new Nivo Slider slideshow plugin (above) keeps its data. That's because it doesn't keep it anywhere. It generates each slideshow on the fly from scratch, with lord-knows how many database calls. I suspected that it was grossly inefficient, and I was right.

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