Doing Things Wrong

Scroll Saw

My new scroll saw - see my review

A scroll saw is a step up from a jigsaw. Scroll saws are ideal for cutting thin materials like pickguards, but with patience, you can push a scroll saw through even a body blank. For cutting thicker materials, and just in general, a band saw is better and faster.

A scroll saw does have one advantage over a band saw: You can disassemble the blade and reassemble it through a hole in the workpiece, to make entirely interior cuts. A jigsaw can also do this, but a band saw cannot.

Much like a jigsaw, a scroll saw will cut fairly perpendicular when going straight, but the blade will bend around curves, so stay well outside your line and sand-in.

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These are all of my piezo creations, so far. All of them utilize a version of the original single-transistor CafeWalter piezo buffer. He encouraged me to use his newer two-transistor version, but I never did get it to work. The simpler circuit works just fine, and I am a great fan of simple things that work.

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